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Why We Should Live More Sustainable Lifestyles

Living a more sustainable lifestyle is important for several reasons. It assists in the preservation of natural resources like water and energy and also reduces our carbon footprint, greenhouse gas emissions, and the preservation of ecosystems. By increasing the consumption of plant-based diets and reducing our exposure to harmful contaminants, we can improve our personal health and support the well-being of our ecosystems. Moreover, promoting ethical and locally produced products strengthens economies and communities. We can promote a healthier planet and a better future for future generations by making environmentally conscious choices.


Eat More Plant-Based Meals

We are coming to realise more and more of the health, wellness and environmental benefits of adopting plant-based diets over heavy meat consumption. First and foremost, plant-based meals tend to be rich in essential nutrients, vitamins and fibre, all of which promote stronger heart health and reduced risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and cancer. 

From an environmental perspective, choosing a plant-based diet over eating animals helps to lower our carbon footprint and reduces greenhouse gas emissions, as well as conserving water. If you’re wondering how to live more sustainably, adopting a more plant-based diet is a perfect place to start. 


Buy Locally and Seasonally

If you’re wondering how to live sustainably, but not sure where to start, think about going straight to the source – local farmers and businesses. Buying locally and seasonally isn’t just great for your community’s economy, it’s great for you too. Seasonal produce, for example, is generally fresher and more nutritious due to being harvested at its peak ripeness. As such, the need for any long-distance food transportation is cut down, taking unwanted carbon emissions and fossil fuel consumption with it. 

If health is a major consideration of yours, choosing local, seasonal fruit and vegetables typically means choosing food with fewer preservatives – as well as less packaging and reduced waste for the environmentally minded. Simply put, you’re looking at a healthier body and a happier planet. 


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Reduce, reuse and recycle are three of the most powerful words to consider when you’re wondering how to live a more sustainable life. Let’s break it down. 

  • Reducing waste conserves valuable energy and resources. Trying to be conscious of what you buy and how much of it is likely to end up in landfills is a good place to start here. 
  • Reusing items instead of throwing them away is another great way to help the environment. Fixing broken items instead of disposing of them can be one small thing you can do to help minimise unnecessary waste. 
  • Recycling transforms materials into new products, reducing pollution and conserving resources. 

All of these practices lower greenhouse gas emissions, help to preserve ecosystems, and are great ways to minimise our environmental footprint and promote sustainability

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle


Choose Sustainable Products

Once you know what to look for, it’s easy to make more eco-friendly choices when making purchasing decisions. A few good suggestions include looking for labels that indicate that they are made from recycled materials, or opting for biodegradable items where possible that break down naturally over time. 

A quick research online will help you find brands that are committed to ethical and environmental practices, such as sustainable sourcing. By choosing these brands over less ethical competitors, you will be helping to promote values such as environmental sustainability, as well as ethical responsibility. 


Minimise Waste

Many people sincerely want to, but are not sure how to live a more sustainable life. An effective and simple way to start reducing waste is by avoiding single-use plastics, choosing reusable items such as tote bags and long-use water bottles, as well as buying in bulk to minimise packaging waste. 

You don’t have to be an expert green thumb to start a composting system either. Simply collect food scraps and waste rather than disposing of them, and use them to enrich your soil and home garden. This will not only benefit your plants, but reduce landfill waste. Joining community clean-ups and being a positive and educated advocate for sustainable policies can also help to spread the benefits to those around you, making an even bigger impact on saving our planet. 

Zero Food Waste

Reduce Energy Consumption

There are lots of simple things you can do around the house to help reduce energy consumption. Some of these include: 

  • Switching to energy-efficient appliances and LED lighting
  • Unplugging devices that are not in use
  • Install programmable thermostats to optimise heating and cooling
  • Insulate windows and doors to naturally maintain temperature
  • Use natural lighting over artificial where possible

All of these ideas lower your personal carbon footprint, and can also help cut the costs of your energy bills each month. 


Investing in Renewable Energy

Renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and hydro power reduce greenhouse gas emissions, lower pollution and decrease reliance on fossil fuels. 

If you’re wondering how to be more sustainable with the energy you invest in, renewable energy is a fantastic sustainable, long-term solution. 

Simply opting for green energy plans from utilities and supporting policies and businesses that invest in renewable energy can also make a significant positive impact to the environment.  


Sustainable Transportation

A lot of us love the comfort and convenience of taking our cars everywhere we go, but their environmental impact is taking a real toll on the environment. 

Choosing eco-friendly transport options like biking and public transport significantly reduces the carbon and pollution we emit. 

If you need to use a personal vehicle, electric vehicles can be a great alternative as they produce no tailpipe emissions and can be powered by renewable energy. Carpooling and ride-sharing also reduces the number of vehicles on the road, again supporting the mitigation of climate change.  


Reduce Water Consumption

Much like conserving energy in your home, there are a number of simple solutions to excess water consumption that can help you live a more sustainable life. Some of these include: 

  • Fixing any water leaks promptly and/or installing low-flow fixtures
  • Taking shorter showers 
  • Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth or washing the dishes
  • Use a broom instead of a hose to clean your driveway 
  • Collect rainwater to water your plants and garden
  • Avoid running dishwashers and washing machines until you have a full load 

Good water conservation habits around the house build up over time to help protect one of our world’s most vital resources.


Ready to Live More Sustainably? Our plant-based meal kits make it easy. Order now and make a difference!


With Love,
